My group and I are looking for the oldest references of physical therapy interventions for emphysema. We found two articles but cannot access them in pdf. Is there any way that the school library can get them?


Yes. If these early references pre-date digitization they would need to be scanned from print periodicals that other libraries own. 

You must submit an Interlibrary Loan request for these items on a form reachable from the Library homepage. Log into the Portal, and from the word SERVICES, find the dropdown labeled Request Materials from Another Library [ILL].  If you reach this page, Log into the Library again.

Submit a separate form for each item.  Please provide the entire citation, including the title of the journal, volume, issue, and page ranges. 

  • Last Updated Sep 23, 2024
  • Views 12
  • Answered By Carol Schapiro

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